Wednesday 7 July 2010

sore paw blues

Thank you for your lovely messages - I'm sorry I haven't had time to reply yet, I'm still very much learning!

Today has been interesting. Saffie was not well all through last night and after a nice visit from the gas man, he pointed out that Saffie wasn't using her hind paw on the stairs. I hadn't seen her going upstairs before then, so I took a look and took her to the vets - they think she might have possibly fractured a bone but more likely pushed back the nail and hurt her pad.

On Friday she's going to go for an X Ray to check, if she hasn't made any improvement. Wish her luck!

Since she's not been very active, I'm going to post some older photos of her until she's back and bouncing with energy.

Saffie's mum, Hilary


  1. Deew Saffie
    I'm so sowwy to heaw that you awe poowly. I hope that the dogtow finds that it'snot anything sewious and that you'll be boundcing and feeling gweat in no time
    meanwhile i'm sending you lots of healing smoochie kisses

  2. oh so sorry to read this. Sending lots of love to poor Saffie!

    Jeannie x and Marvin xxxxx

    Please don't worry about the blogging stuff, just enjoy Saffie and get her well soon, and we think the Gas Man is a very clever man!

    lotsaluv, Marvin and Jeannie xxxxx

  3. and those photos are just beautiful!!
