Saturday, 3 July 2010


Welcome to Saffie Dallie Day - the amazing adventures of a sweet spotty dog.



  1. Hello, my name is Marvin........and I think you are adorable!

    My Mama will be in touch soon with your Mama, so cool you have a blog and we can see how beautiful you are"

    lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxx (we are pleased to help in any way possible - my Jeannie - well she is kinda computer challenged, but she will help whenever she can!

  2. Hi Sweet Pup!
    Am a friend of Jeannie & Marvin and an honourary human member of the DWB group - the nicest people ever.
    Always had a thing about Dalmations - I'm of the gereration that grew up with that delightful, wonderful Disneys cartoon "100 & 1 Dalmations".
    And had a spotty dog friend once when walking my Springer Spanial Hero too.
    Enjoy blogging - it will bring you a wealth of wonderful friends world wide.

  3. She is adorable! You will enjoy blogging, there are wonderful people on here :) I don't blog as much now as I got married (second time around) almost three years ago so the blogging has taken a back seat and Billy is NOT thrilled that I am not keeping up. Have fun and enjoy.

    Janet, Billy Boo and a new addition Rocky the chihuahua:)

  4. Woofs, nice to meeted u, me is rocky...u will love bloggin...esp, when u start to make friends all over the world..

    b safe,

  5. Ha roo! Our buddy Marvin sent us over; it's always great to make new friends! Welcome to the blogosphere!
    Play bows,

  6. Hi, Saffie!
    Marvin told us about your blog and I wanted to come and say hello!
    Kisses and hugs

  7. Welcome sweet Saffie
    You awe sooo bootiful and I would love to be youw fwiend and find out mowe about you..i'm a fwiend of Mawvin's
    come and visit me sometime!!!
    smoochie kisses

  8. Hi, Saffie! Marvin sent us over! I hope we can be friends. You can check out our blog at:


  9. Welcome to the Blogosphere. We look forward to reading about your adventures.
